Get to Know Forman Scholar Aryana Furbush-Brewer!

With an interest in the rapidly evolving world of business, Aryana Furbush-Brewer is studying various aspects of the field as a freshman at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. Learn more about Aryana and the plans she has for her college career.

What about Georgetown made you want to apply and eventually commit to the school?

Initially, I was attracted to the location of the school and the fact that it wasn’t too far from – but also not too close to – home. The school also offers many fantastic opportunities to students, many of which are tied to the business school. That’s why I’m so focused on learning all I can about the field. I’m thinking of eventually majoring in finance and minoring in marketing, but I’d like to get a sense of each discipline through my intro classes before deciding.

What about the business field excites you?

I would say its versatility. By studying business now, I’m setting myself up for countless future career paths. I could be a financial advisor, or I could work as a marketing professional. The possibilities right now seem pretty endless.

How do you plan to make the most of your time at Georgetown?

I’m particularly interested in getting involved with student organizations that have to do with business as a way of supplementing what I’m learning in the classroom. I’d also like to find ways to give back to the community through involvement in service-based organizations. Additionally, I’m in the process of trying out for the school’s cheer team. DC is an entirely new city for me, so I’d like to spend the next several years exploring and soaking up as much as I can. 

How did you stay involved as a Salem High School student?

In high school, I was involved in field hockey, winter track and field, and spring track and field. I was also a part of numerous clubs like Ambassadors, Student Council and Interact. Outside of school, I volunteered for trash pick-ups, food drives and other projects. The International Baccalaureate program certainly kept me busy and challenged, and our cohort’s trip to Portugal was one of the unforgettable highlights of my high school experience.  

How has the Forman Acton Foundation contributed to your growth as a person and a student?

The Foundation has already played such a pivotal role in my academic life. The staff members I have the pleasure of working with and learning from encouraged me to pursue a summer program at Georgetown that introduced me to life as a college student and helped immensely with the transition to learning at the college level. Without that experience, I probably would have been much more stressed at the start of the fall semester.


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