Get to Know Forman Scholar Holton Frank!

Inspired by the positive experiences of his high school engineering classes, Holton Frank is pursuing a degree in physics at Hobart and William Smith Colleges in Geneva, New York. Learn more about Holton and the plans he has for his college career.

What made you decide to study at Hobart and William Smith?

Initially, I was attracted to the beautiful campus and the joint degree program that the school offers with Dartmouth and Columbia. What made me eventually commit was the way I could talk and personalize with the professors. I felt like more than just a number in the classroom. Like Salem, I felt like I was a person here.

What types of activities were you involved in as a Salem student?

In high school, I was involved in the Academic League, Student Council, Student Ambassadors, the Chess Club, Ram Theatre, Choir, Marching Band and Concert Band. I also ran cross country, swam and played baseball. I always loved the winter season because I had so many activities happening at once – between winter concerts, Ram Theatre and swimming, my schedule always stayed pretty busy. 

How are you planning to get involved in college?

I’ve already committed to being on the school’s swim team. I’m also interested in joining the Outdoor Adventures Club and the Engineering Club. Finally, I plan on getting a job as a lifeguard for the school and the Geneva YMCA.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

That’s a long time from now, and I honestly don’t know where I’ll be. Even so, I hope to be working as an engineer somewhere developing products or innovations that can help better the country and even the world – whether that’s cheaper prosthetics or more sustainable forms of energy. It’ll all depend on the time I spend in college and what I learn about myself and my strengths. 

How has the Forman Acton Foundation contributed to your growth as a person and a student?

The Foundation has granted me the resources to attend college without the financial burdens that typically arise. I’ve been able to avoid a significant amount of stress and focus on living in the moment and enjoying the college journey – every step of the way.


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