Get to Know Forman Scholar Isabella Dennis!

Isabella hopes to use the next few years as an English major at Rowan University in Glassboro, New Jersey, to explore various career paths and uncover what she’s most passionate about. Learn more about Isabella and the plans she has for her college career.

What about Rowan made you want to apply and eventually commit to the school?

Rowan was always at the top of my list of schools. Plus, I had the opportunity to join Rowan’s R.O.P.E.S. Program during my junior year of high school. Through the program, I became more familiar with the school’s campus, professors and what life as a student is like. I knew after only a few weeks that I eventually wanted to commit to attending Rowan full-time.  

How did you stay involved as a Salem High School student?

I was active in Student Council, and I took part in various volunteer activities. I also worked during the summer months at the Olive Street Garden in Salem. I’m interested in continuing to volunteer while at Rowan and finding an on-campus job. 

What excites you most about the college experience?

Definitely the freedom to make my own decisions and create a truly memorable and worthwhile experience. As an introverted person, I sometimes struggle to put myself out there and speak in front of larger groups. I hope college gives me the chance to slowly get more comfortable in different social settings rather than doubt myself. 

Where do you see yourself in 10 years? 

I hope that in ten years, I have security in my career and finances. I’d like to have a job that both challenges and fulfills me. My biggest nightmare is wasting my time at a job that makes me miserable. I want to enjoy going to work every day and seeing how my contributions pay off. 

How has the Forman Acton Foundation contributed to your growth as a person and a student?

The Foundation has encouraged me to never set the bar low. I worked hard throughout high school to be where I am now, and I shouldn’t stop just because I’m where I hoped I’d be. In addition, the Foundation and its staff have encouraged me to branch out and take chances even when I’m scared.


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